Articles, Virtual Events, & Podcasts
As Director of Outreach and Strategic Partnerships at Explore Mars, a NASA-funded nonprofit, I hosted a discussion on scoring space with composer Nami Melumad. Watch now on the Explore Mars YouTube Channel! (May 2019) - Arise, A Knight: Why We Need Brienne’s Unique Journey on Game of Thrones
Legion of Leia*
*Legion of Leia was Jenna Busch’s geek news outlet and was absorbed into in 2019. The below links are no longer live, but I do have copies of most of my articles should you want to read them. There are over 100!
I write daily news articles on an as-needed basis, recap TV shows, and pen think pieces on entertainment industry issues for Legion of Leia, whose "mission is to raise awareness of the fact that women love sci-fi... and our contributions to it are out of this world."